Saturday 31 December 2011

The end of 2011

Well, another year has come to an end!  This year has been tough in many ways but so enlightening in other ways.  I went away for a few days to relax and think about what I wanted to see in 2012.  Over the last few months, God has really been helping me to look at what I want in life in general. 

Yesterday, I attended the funeral of a friend, who died a few weeks ago at the age of 32.  The funeral was, by far, the best funeral I have ever been to.  A strange statement I know but as I sat in the service, I couldn't help thinking that this young lady had lived so much in the short life she had.  She had clearly outlined what she wanted at her funeral and so the service reflected her so well!

I wanted to write this post to summarise all that God has been saying to me recently.  These points were so beautifully summed up in the funeral yesterday that I had to write it down:

1.  Do what you are passionate about - when a person follows their passion, their life tends to have so much more meaning and purpose.

2.  Do it now! - we always assume that we have all the time in the world but in reality we don't know when we will be called home.  Make sure that you use your time on Earth doing what you're supposed to do!

3.  There is more to life than having babies! - my friend never married and never had children but managed to live with such purpose and joy!  I still want to have children but I must say that the recent events have reminded me that I can't afford to focus on this one area of my life and stop enjoying all the richness that is available in this world.

So these are my closing thoughts for 2011.  Live life to the fullest!  Even if the things you want have not happened this year, God is still good and then is still much to look forward to!

Thank you to all of you who have been reading my blog over the last year.  You have truly been through a rollercoaster journey with me and I look forward to seeing you all in 2012.

God bless and Happy New Year!

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