Friday 24 February 2012

Adoption Training 2

And so the training continues!  Yesterday we completed our second day of training - by the end of the day we realised that this was REAL training.  We learnt so much about how to cater for children who have experienced abuse and neglect, and I certainly began to understand what DH and I would have to offer these children.  I must say that increasingly I am being drawn down the path of adoption - it was always on the cards but now I feel so ready to get started!  I think DH may feel the same!

We will be continuing our training next week for another two days and then we make the final decision as to whether we want to move ahead at this stage.  DH seems to be in the same place as me and I think that a clear path may be forming in front of us!

This journey can involve so many questions and often leaves you standing on the path confused and unsure about the next step.  Please pray that DH and I will continue on the path towards clarity about what God wants for us.  Please also pray for those who are still trying to work what their next step should be.

Take care and God bless,

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Adoption Training 1

So I'm sitting in bed after a very intense day of training in preparation for adoption.  DH and I are really tired and to be honest, I really don't have the energy to write a lot but I do want to document the process we are going through .... here we go! 

Today, the course introduced the process of adoption, the children looking for a permanent home and the impact of adopting children who have suffered abuse or nelgect.  The day was sobering and also exciting.  The harsh reality of what adoption involves has begun to set in.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, adoption is NOT a cure for infertility but rather a ministry.  You are dealing with children who have suffered some terrible things and you are aiming to provide them with the stability they need.

A friend who is currently pregnant mentioned that being a parent is all about sacrifice - she expressed that this is evident even during pregnancy as her body adjusts to cater for the needs of her baby.  Today her comments came back to my mind as I thought about the fact that adoption makes this exact fact very obvious.  The process is not so much about DH and I becoming parents but more about a child finding a safe and secure home where they can thrive and heal from the previous experiences.  That's ministry - and as ever ministry equates to sacrifice!

The course really forced us to examine our ideas about adoption carefully.  If any of the prospective adopters arrived with a picture of a loving child who runs into their arms with delight saying "mummy",  the course today made it very clear that this may not be the case at all.  As an adoptive parent, you are dealing with the mistakes of the others.  Therefore you may find yourself parenting a child who has delayed development or who does and says inappropriate things in front of family and friends.  How do you handle the rejection when your child pushes you away everytime you want to comfort them or give them a hug?  Or displays violent behaviour at a children's party?

On the other hand, the prospect of being able to give a child the stability they need leaves a wonderful warm feeling inside. 

DH and I have space in our home and our hearts to give that to a child (or two!).  So as I lay in bed, contemplating the events of the day, I can't help feeling that maybe DH and I have found where we belong.

Watch this space!

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Making Progress

I can't believe that we are almost at the end of the second month of 2012!  Time is going so quickly.  I am still on the weight loss journey but starting to see results.  I officially have to buy a smaller jeans size!  I can't believe it!  It has been probably about 12 years since I've had to buy that size!

DH and I will be going on an adoption training course tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to it, but as the day approaches I am realising that I really want to start moving ahead on the path towards having children.  I have been in this limbo position for so long and now I want to start planning the next steps in my life.  However, I know that I can't move ahead until I've tackled this issue of children.  Completing an IVF cycle would be a huge step and then we'd be able to know what we would want to do next!  Once we've progressed through IVF, we can seriously pursue adoption.  I guess ultimately I'm tired of waiting!  However with my recent weight loss, I'm feeling more hopeful!  I feel like I'm starting to take crucial steps - I'm aware that it is likely that there will be more tears ahead but I also know that weeping endures for the night and joy comes in the morning.

Today it feels like for the first time in 4 years of trying to conceive that joy is within reach!

Stay blessed.  Stay focussed and remember that God is on the path with you!

Until next time,

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