Saturday 5 October 2013

The Best & Worst of Going Back to Work

It's been one week since my adoption leave ended, so here are the best & worst things I have noticed about being back to work.

The Worst
Missing Babygirl and her development -  this has by far been the most difficult.  This morning, Babygirl pointed to a picture on her wall and said "bird".  She was clearly pointing to the owl on her wall and pointed out more birds on her blanket.  I was so excited that she had a new word and knew how to use it properly but at the same time, I wondered if the nursery workers had seen her use this word first!  I have enjoyed seeing Babygirl's daily development and having the privilege to be the first to witness all the new things she could do.  It saddens me that now I will have to share these experience with others and that it's likely that I'll be observing her second, third or maybe even fourth use of her newly acquired skills.

Back to work politicsit is so strange to return to work and find that not much has changed.  When you're away, you forget that life has been plodding along at the same pace at work.  It has been odd and rather tiring to return to the same frustrations and challenges that I had left behind me earlier this year.  This week has been about settling back into the routine and realising that ultimately not much has changed!

Faster pace mornings - it was so nice during adoption leave to be woken up by the babbles of Babygirl. Now I am back to waking up to a blaring alarm.  The pressure in the mornings during adoption leave was to get Babygirl's milk and breakfast prepared.  Now I have to ensure that I'm up and dressed, that Babygirl is up and dressed and has had her milk, and that we all manage to get out of the door on time.  Overall, it's a much faster pace and I miss the leisurely jaunt through the morning that I used to have!

But it hasn't all been bad!

The Best 
Collecting Babygirl from nursery - words cannot express how lovely it is to see the sheer delight that crosses Babygirl's face when she sees me at the gate at the end of a day at nursery!  Her squeals and shouts of joy accompanied with a happy dance are a sight to behold and blow away any stresses I have acquired during the working day!

Money - I must confess that I am looking forward to receiving my first paycheck now that I've returned.  Being on leave has definitely has its perks but it will be really nice to have a bit more cash for our family.

Conversations with adults -  it has been lovely to have the opportunity to have regular adult conversations throughout the day.  I'm adjusting to this quite happily.  Although,  I am still trying to avoid saying "whoopsie" everytime I drop something!  I must confess there has been the occasional raised eyebrow at these points!

In conclusion, would I rather be at home with Babygirl or back in the workplace?  
Quality time at home with Babygirl will win everytime!!! 

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Back to work

Wow!  It's been over a month since I last wrote a post!  How embarrassing!  A lot has happened in that month but I won't be able to write about it in this post as quite simply I am absolutely shattered!!!!

Today was my first day back to work.  I had planned to take a whole year off but due to a change in circumstances I have returned to work.

Babygirl has been settled into nursery and is loving hanging out with other little people.  However, the change has left both of us completely wiped out and ready for bed when we get home.

I have so many thoughts to share so I am hoping to put up a few posts over the next few weeks to update you on that has been going on!

How has the start of the week been for you?  Tell me in the comments!

See you soon!

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