Monday 21 January 2013

Blue Monday?

Today is 21 January which according to British psychologists is the most depressing day of the year.  They say that it is a combination of being paid early for Christmas (so funds are now low), credit card bills from the Christmas season have started to arrive and it is the third week back to work after the Christmas/New Year festivities!  The fact that is has been snowing over the last few days has made it a mixed bag this year.  Some people have been at home enjoying a "snow day" while others have had to trudge through the cold fluffy white stuff to face cancelled and delayed trains!

While the rest of the country have been walking around in varying degrees of gloominess, I have been bouncing around on my own personal dose of happiness!

Last week, DH and I went to matching panel.  This is when we ask the panel to approve us to be the adoptive parents to LO.  We arrived early - clutching our introductions book.  The introductions book is a book that is collated by the potential adoptive parents which will introduce the child to their new home and family if the panel agree that the adopters are a suitable match.  It usually includes pictures of the parents and different parts of the house including the child's room.  So in preparation for panel, we had to make sure that her room was prepared.

It has been really lovely setting it up - DH and I had a wonderful time getting it ready and it gave us something to focus on as we waited for the panel date to finally arrive!

We were called up to panel and settled into our seats.  It was a really fast process - we were out of the room in about 5 minutes and even the SW mentioned that it was the shortest panel she had ever attended!  Three minutes later, they came out to tell us that it was a YES!  The rest of the speech was a blur to be honest - but the main point is that DH and I are going to be parents!!!!!!

Today was my first day on adoption leave!  We will meet "Babygirl" next Monday and we should be able to bring her home the following Monday.  Now, DH and I are busy making the final touches to our home - stair gates will have to go up, cot sheets washed, car seats fitted etc.

We are overjoyed and so grateful to God.  He has taken us through what has been a gruelling process at times.  Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare to enter this new season in our lives!

On a separate note, I have also started a new blog and it would be great if you could have a look at it.  I'll be posting on that blog more throughout this year and it will be covering a wide range of issues.

This blog has been really helpful in helping me to work through what has been a really tough journey.  I am aware that my journey is continuing as I know that there are more children to come, and I still have the challenges of motherhood to encounter!  I will still be writing here and the next few posts will have a particular focus on the final stages of adoption so you are welcome to keep reading here!

This blog has also reignited my passion for writing so my new blog is a forum to allow me to write about other things - take a look!

Untill next time,

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