Thursday 25 July 2013

Thoughtful Thursday: Time to Retreat?

Have you ever seen a fly trying to get out of a closed window?  It can get itself into a frenzy as it can see where it wants to go but can't quite work what's holding it back!  The funny thing is that it can spend a long time repeatedly banging its head against the window when it could be just a few centimetres away from an open door!  It needs to step back, look around and reevaluate the whole picture again.

It's time to retreat

This past weekend, I led the Sanctuary retreat.  Seven ladies plus myself travelled out of London to spend time with God.  It was an amazing time and God touched the lives of every single woman.

We talked about being transformed by God,
how precious we are to God and  
making the decision to live a holy life.  

We returned to London - refreshed, empowered and with a new spring in our step!  For many of us, we were like that fly continually banging our head against the window, getting dizzy and REALLY frustrated!

By taking time to retreat (step back, look around and reevaluate the whole picture), we allowed the following to happen:

Appreciate the place you are in - sometimes we are so focussed on what we think is better on the other side of the glass that we miss the beauty of where we are.

Have a different perspective - it's much easier to see more clearly when your head isn't spinning!  Pausing on a retreat often allows the noise and dizziness from a hectic life to pass and you can see things from a different perspective.

See the open door - stepping back allows you to see other possible routes out.  We can be so focussed on one particular way that we miss other opportunities by limiting what we expect from God.

I encourage you all to take time to retreat.  A weekend out in the country is a wonderful way to retreat but it is not the only way!  A few years ago, DH and I had a retreat at home - we unplugged the TV, switched off our mobile phones and turned on the answer machine.  We spent 24 hours alone with God and it was so refreshing.

Alternatively, spend a day away from home - travel out into the country or head to the beach.

Retreats don't have to cost much and are essential for our personal growth and well-being as well as strengthening our walk with God.

I've realised that I need to go back to the habit of regular retreats and will be scheduling in a couple more retreats before the end of this year.  In meantime, I'm putting the wheels in motion for the next Sanctuary retreat - so watch this space!

Until next time,

Thursday 11 July 2013

Thoughtful Thursday featuring Mandy Hudson

I have been looking forward to sharing my latest inspirational interview with you!  I would like to introduce you to Mandy Hudson.  Mandy was my youth leader during my teenage years and played a key role in influencing my first steps on the Christian walk!

Mandy is an amazing woman!  She continues to inspire me everytime I talk to her, so it was a real treat to have a chat with her for this post.  She describes herself as a lover of God and is currently based in New Zealand.

How would you describe the current season of life you are in?
God is in the process of answering a prayer placed on my heart.  This prayer can be found in Psalm 2, and it says "Ask of me and I'll give the nations to you".   During the first 6 months of 2013, God has opened up two new nations on two different continents!  It's a season of new things and blessings.

What are you currently working on?
There are three key areas in my life at the moment:
  •  I currently work as a part time probation officer in New Zealand which involves mentoring offenders into pro-social lives.
  •  I am also in the process of completing a theology degree
  •  I teach part time for YWAM New Zealand on their DTS course

What would you consider to be your greatest achievement so far?
Everytime I've had the opportunity to invest in discipling another person.  I thank God for the opportunity to sow into what I will reap in eternity.  Degrees and well paid careers are of little value for where we are heading.   

So my greatest achievement will only be great if it affects eternity. 

What has been the greatest challenge you have overcome so far?
The decision to trust God with my life.  Responding to His call to leave my home nation and follow Him to the other side of the world and live there.

Do you have a faith?  If so, how has it contributed to the way you approach life?
Yes - it is the new lenses I see everything through - my purpose, my relationships, how I spend my money, how I suffer and enjoy pleasure.

I cannot hold a conversation, friendship without relating it to this Jesus who guides my life.  
(adapted from "The Call")

What is your biggest dream/goal?
To disciple the nations He gives me, to grow and make disciples, to build a community that is a refuge to many.

What or who inspires you?
  • My friends- I love seeing God unfold amazing things in them that I never saw.
  • Francis Schaeffer - he set up a community in Switerland and provided a place where people could go for retreats - searching and looking for answers.  The shelter he set was called L'Abri.
  • Hudson Taylor - he was a missionary in China who had a passion to see the gospel reach many in China.  By the end of his lifetime, he saw 220,000 chinese people become missionaries.  To put that into context, the organisation YWAM has only 16,000 full time missionaries.
  • John Maxwell - I love his inspirational books.  Every chapter motivates me to do something!  I have just finished reading "The 15 invaluable laws of growth" and have been applying his suggestion of reviewing the year.
  • Rob Bell - this american pastor is a controversial choice but while I don't agree with some of his views, I do admire his creatvitiy in his teaching.
  • William Young - the author of "The Shack".  I heard him speak in New Zealand and he talks about Jesus like he knows Him - a very personal perspective!
  • Phillip Yancey - I enjoy reading his books and I'm currently reading "What good is God".  This is a book looking at 10 suffering areas in the world

What would you describe as the key advice/principle you are currently applying in your life?
It would be my life verse - Ephesians 5:2 which says "Live a life of love".  It sums up the motivation behind all we do as Christians.

I love because I'm loved.  I love because He first loved me.  I love because He is love. 

My thoughts
Well I'm not going to say much as there is plenty in this interview to ponder and reflect on, but I will say that I continue to admire Mandy's simple and passionate focus on loving God and doing His work!  

I'll just leave you with one key question to think about:

What are doing now that will have an impact on eternity?

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Facebook Inspiration

So I've been a little naughty and have disappeared off the blogging scene for a week!  Sorry!  It got a little hectic and I fell off the blogging bandwagon but I'm climbing back on as we speak!

This week, I will be sharing an amazing interview with a wonderful woman who has played a key role in my life!  You don't want to miss it!  I was inspired just talking to her!  So look out for her interview on Thoughtful Thursday this week..

I thought that I would just pass by and share a few inspirational pictures that I have nabbed from Facebook.  I can't take credit for any of these wonderful images - they all came from Facebook and caused me to stop and reflect!


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