Thursday 30 May 2013

Thoughtful Thursday featuring Nichola Williams (aka NobleWife Nic)

So here it is!  The first in my series on inspirational women.  Our first guest is a lady that attends the same church as me and has inspired me even though we haven't talked often or spent much time together.  This is a classic example of how we can influence others without even saying a word to them!

I am pleased to feature Nichola Williams (aka Noble Wife) on my blog today.  It was great fun having a chat with her and I learnt a lot through our brief conversation!

Nichola describes herself as a wife and mum - an ordinary lady (nothing spectacular) but someone who God wants to use to impact others.

Let the questions begin!

How would you describe the current season of life you are in?
I would say that I am in a transition season.  I'm trying to find my feet as I move from being a stay at home mum to something else!  I have been at home with my children and my youngest has started reception, so for the first time in ten years, no-one is at home during the day!

What are you currently working on?
I am predominantly a housewife caring for my home and family.  This role is often misunderstood and is a lot To more work than people often think.  I am also active in the local community and church - I run an 8 week parenting course in Southwark, a weekly drop-in session for parents under 21 and I head the Sunday school in my local branch.  I am also in the process of publishing my first book!

What would you consider to be your greatest achievement so far?
My family - I have invested a lot into my family, by choosing not to pursue a career and managing on one income.  It hasn't been easy but worthwhile.  I feel proud when I see how balanced my children are.

What has been the greatest challenge you have overcome so far?
Myself - I have had to overcome my self doubt, procrastination, fear and sometimes laziness.  By far, my greatest challenge has been overcoming things that I do.  I have had to overcome incorrect prioritising and learn how to say no at times.  This is an ongoing challenge, but what has helped me to do this is to use the frustration of lack of progress in key areas in my life to motivate me to prioritise correctly.

Do you have a faith?  If so, how has it contributed to the way you approach life?
Yes I have a faith in Jesus.  I seek to follow His ways and teachings and this frames all I do. Jesus gives me daily strength which enables me to get up and keep going.  I approach life aware of the limited resources and my weakness but I know that Jesus can use these.  It's a comforting thought to know that in spite of my weaknesses, I can still be used by God.

What is your biggest dream/goal?
To change the way parenting and the family is viewed.  I would like society to understand the importance of family and God's original intention for family.  The state of our families directly affects the state of our society.

What or who inspires you?
Aside from Jesus, there are a few key people who have inspired me and influenced me:

  • Pastor Sheron Ankrah has mentored me and taught me so much.  She has especially taught me how to pray. 
  • Lisa Bevere's simple teachings have helped me to understand how women were created to be.
  • Priscilla Shirer has inspired me to be a woman.
  • My children have inspired me to climb higher and run faster.  I find that talking to children provides great inspiration.  They are ordinary people with extraordinary potential.
What would you describe as the key advice/principle you are currently applying in your life?
Step out.  Sometimes we want to make a whole plan with clear goals but often our knowledge is limited.  Sometime we need to step out regardless of the lack of information.  Proverbs 16:9 says "A man's heart plans his way but the Lord directs his steps".  As step out on those things, God will direct where we go.

My thoughts inspired by Nichola
The interview really got me thinking about what the main priorities in my life are.  Society tells us that we should build a career at all costs to be successful, but I am beginning to realise that we often kill ourselves for our career when ultimately this is the area of life that we are most disposable!  We may not like to hear it but we can be easily replaced in our workplace - they may miss us but they'll get over it!  To our families - we are irreplaceable.  Maybe we need to make our life decisions with that in mind!

I would like to thank Nichola for taking the time to speak to me and share her thoughts.  Please take time to visit and subscribe to her blog by clicking her picture above. 

And don't forget to subscribe to my blog before you go! (see the link on the right on my blog page)

I'll close with an image I came across on someone else's blog:

Until next time,
Cece xxx

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