Saturday 24 May 2014

The Power of Parenting: A Mother's Perspective

So I've been a mother for just over a year now and I am loving it!  As a teacher, I found great pleasure in seeing my young students mature and become young adults setting off into the world. But nothing compares to watching Babygirl grow. 

Each day I am astounded by how quickly she is growing and learning.  She is a walking sponge which absorbs her surroundings completely!  She copies sounds, words and marvels at each new experience that comes her way.  She doesn't ever want to sleep but who would when you are on such a marvellous adventure of discovery?!

Her addition to our family has brought a powerful presence into our home and I have been particularly surprised by the impact it has had on me as an individual.

When preparing to become a parent, you are constantly reminded of the hard work that is coming.  Friends advise you to get as much sleep as you can and enjoy your freedom - before it all changes.  And this advice is much needed as your life is changed forever when you become a parent.  However, I did not expect the arrival of Babygirl to bring about such contentment and peace into my life as well as a completely new way of doing life.

When I talk about a new way of life, I am not talking about the life of changing nappies, sleepless nights and forever being search of a good babysitter.  No - I am talking about the impact of seeing the world through a child's eyes.

"Babygirl" Lessons

Babygirl has taught me to marvel at the world around me.  We become so accustomed to our surroundings that it is eye opening to watch someone else marvel at what we consider to be the norm.  She has caused me to re-evaluate my world view and see the simple delights that we ignore during our day to day activities.

Another skill that Babygirl has mastered is the art of spending quality time.  It is not uncommon for Babygirl to insist that DH or I sit down with her as she completes a puzzle, watches a TV show or eats a snack.  She enjoys the simple knowledge that her loved one is nearby and spending time with her.  It reminds me that quality time is one of the most refreshing and nurturing ways we can spend our time.  Whether it is curling up on the sofa with a loved one, or going out for good food and a chat with friends - nothing quite compares to spending that time with the special people in your life.

The final Babygirl lesson to share is to enjoy life!  Watching a child run around and enjoy life is refreshing as well as absolutely hilarious at times.  Babygirl has her own unique sense of humour and it is not uncommon to hear her chuckling away in her cot as she prepares to go to sleep.  In the mornings, we usually woken by the sounds of her singing a remix of ALL the nursery rhymes she knows or chatting away to her teddies.  She appears to have the ability to or has made the decision to enjoy life and make the most of whatever circumstances she is in.  Somewhere along the way we lose that, but Babygirl has inspired to aim to regain it.  Choosing to find the good in each day and circumstance manages to make those tough times, just a little more bearable.

Becoming a parent has had a powerful impact on the way I do life.  I am challenged to stop working and sit down to spend quality time, take in the wonders around me and when necessary have a good laugh!

Until next time,

PS.  This is the start of a 3 part series on the Power of Parenting.  Subscribe and look out for my next post from a child's perspective!

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