Wednesday 5 March 2014

February Delights #3: The Sanctuary

So, delight number 3 is something that is very close to my heart and has been with me for almost 5 years now! 

The Sanctuary is a group that I started in 2009 to bring together women to grow in their faith, receive emotional healing, be empowered to live the life God intended for them and released to impact their communities.

This group has developed into an organisation that hosts brunches, seminars, bible studies and retreats for women.  This year we have really launched out to include new activities and events in our calendar.  This month, we are hosting an online Bible Study called "What are you afraid of?"  which will look at what the Bible says about fear, and how to overcome it to pursue your dreams.  If you would like more details, you can email or book your FREE tickets.

We have also have a YouTube channel which has some inspirational teaching videos and is a good place to get up to date information about our events.

The Sanctuary holds a special place in my heart for two main reasons:

1.  It is the first thing that I have started with God without a complete plan and really depending on Him to guide the next step.
2.  God has used it to teach me so much about who He has called me to be.

Although, the month of February didn' t have many Sanctuary events, it was a month of planning and I'm excited about what's coming up!

Join the mailing list by emailing to keep up to date with new developments.

Until next time,
Cece xxx

Tuesday 4 March 2014

February Delights #2: Rediscovering my passion

My second delight has been slowly rediscovering my passion.  I must confess that I had abandoned this passion for a while! But God has been reminding me that I shouldn't completely abandon what I have learnt in my years in the classroom.  Twice in one day, different people told me the same thing in unsolicited conversations and I knew that God was trying to tell me something.  So I've stepped back into the arena of education and I'm beginning to share my thoughts.

I am been inundated by phone calls and emails from teachers who have either read my recent blog posts about leaving teaching, or heard on the grapevine about my recent career move, and want to make a similar change.  So many teachers are leaving the profession, and they are frustrated about what is currently happening to the system and to our young people.

I'm not quite sure where this latest venture will end up but I've dipped my toe in by posting a video on YouTube.  Please have a look and let me know your thoughts!  I am really interested in what you have to say!

Subscribe to my channel if you would like to see what else I have to say about education.

See you tomorrow for my next February delight!

Monday 3 March 2014

February Delights #1: Discovering God's plan

Welcome back to another set of monthly delights!  February has been short, sweet and very wet in the UK.

My first delight this month has been discovering God's plan.  This month, God has been placing amazing new opportunities into my life and I have been overwhelmed by the new path that is unfolding in front of me.

Proverbs 16:9 says "A man's heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps".  This month I have been seeing this scripture play out in my life.  As someone who believes in setting goals for my life, I have set some goals for this year.  These goals remain valid but I am seeing that God is directing how the goals will be achieved and modifying any plans that don't match His vision for the year.

I have to confess that I am really excited.  Watch this space!  Some of the new things that are coming up, I'll be sharing with you on this blog.

Just want to take the time to remind you that God really is in control in your life (if you allow Him).  If you read back over the last few years on this blog, you will see that life has not been easy at all, and at times it has been downright devastating.  Now I'm truly seeing the value of all that I have been through.

Be encouraged!  God has a plan for you and your life.  It may not be easy but the end picture will be beautiful!

"For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome." 
(Jeremiah 29:11)

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