Monday 23 June 2014

Babygirl Update

Babygirl has been with us for almost a year and a half and it is safe to say that she is fully settled.  She has left behind her "baby" approach to life and has fully embraced life as a toddler.  Her constant mode of transport seems to be running and she tends to look at you blankly when you try to introduce the concept of walking.

A full on "chatterbox" - Babygirl talks from the moment she wakes up to the moment she falls asleep.  In the mornings we are woken by her conversations with her teddy bears and at night we hear her "reading" a bedtime story to them before she drifts off.

A healthy appetite with an interest in everything you are doing - she is full on.  She has developed a lovely sense of humour and enjoys joking around whenever possible.

It genuinely feels like Babygirl has always been here and occasionally I find myself thinking, "Oh yeah, you're adopted!"  It's not something that I think about on a daily basis - we just get on with life.  In fact at a recent medical appointment, when asked about family history, I automatically started to think about my family and found myself saying to the doctor, "Whoops!  She's adopted - wrong family history."

I'm enjoying life at the moment - work fits in nicely around the new way of life and I am so grateful to God that He has truly made everything beautiful in His time.

Until next time, 

Sunday 15 June 2014

The Power of Parenting: A Word to the Fathers

"Abba Father", "Daddy God", "Father's love" - terms that are full of love and assurance and yet can bring much confusion.

Confusion?  Why?  We are told "God is our Father" but what does that mean to a child who has never had one?  Or someone who has experienced abuse or a judgmental father?

I remember when Babygirl arrived in our home and someone said to me, "Cece, you will be the first "Jesus" she sees".  It was a powerful statement and reminded me that part of my role as a parent is to be an example of Christ in my child's life.

As we meditate on the idea of God as our Father, it is inevitable that we look back to our earthly Father to understand what that means.

A father who witholds their love, abuses their position or abandons their child directly impacts how the child grows in their relationship with God.  Dads, you are the first "Father" your child sees!

You are so crucial in your child's life. 

Through your actions:
Sons are taught how to be men

Daughters are taught how a man should love and treat her

Children are given an image of what "Daddy God" means 

On this Fathers' Day, I appreciate the men who have stepped up to the challenge of being a dad.  I appreciate the men who have stepped in for those that have failed to take their rightful place.  I pray for the men who have stepped out of their role that they will understand the importance of their role and take up their correct position.

Just a note for those who have struggled with the Father's love:

1.  God is in the business of restoring and replacing
"He is a father to the fatherless; he gives justice to the widows, for he is holy. He gives families to the lonely, and releases prisoners from jail, singing with joy!"
Psalm 68:5, 6a
2.  God is your father
"Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir."
Galatians 4:6, 7 

Happy Fathers' Day!  Take the time to appreciate all the men who have played a role in your life, and ask God to help you understand his Father's love for you more and more each day.

Until next time, 

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