Thursday 25 July 2013

Thoughtful Thursday: Time to Retreat?

Have you ever seen a fly trying to get out of a closed window?  It can get itself into a frenzy as it can see where it wants to go but can't quite work what's holding it back!  The funny thing is that it can spend a long time repeatedly banging its head against the window when it could be just a few centimetres away from an open door!  It needs to step back, look around and reevaluate the whole picture again.

It's time to retreat

This past weekend, I led the Sanctuary retreat.  Seven ladies plus myself travelled out of London to spend time with God.  It was an amazing time and God touched the lives of every single woman.

We talked about being transformed by God,
how precious we are to God and  
making the decision to live a holy life.  

We returned to London - refreshed, empowered and with a new spring in our step!  For many of us, we were like that fly continually banging our head against the window, getting dizzy and REALLY frustrated!

By taking time to retreat (step back, look around and reevaluate the whole picture), we allowed the following to happen:

Appreciate the place you are in - sometimes we are so focussed on what we think is better on the other side of the glass that we miss the beauty of where we are.

Have a different perspective - it's much easier to see more clearly when your head isn't spinning!  Pausing on a retreat often allows the noise and dizziness from a hectic life to pass and you can see things from a different perspective.

See the open door - stepping back allows you to see other possible routes out.  We can be so focussed on one particular way that we miss other opportunities by limiting what we expect from God.

I encourage you all to take time to retreat.  A weekend out in the country is a wonderful way to retreat but it is not the only way!  A few years ago, DH and I had a retreat at home - we unplugged the TV, switched off our mobile phones and turned on the answer machine.  We spent 24 hours alone with God and it was so refreshing.

Alternatively, spend a day away from home - travel out into the country or head to the beach.

Retreats don't have to cost much and are essential for our personal growth and well-being as well as strengthening our walk with God.

I've realised that I need to go back to the habit of regular retreats and will be scheduling in a couple more retreats before the end of this year.  In meantime, I'm putting the wheels in motion for the next Sanctuary retreat - so watch this space!

Until next time,

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