Friday 31 January 2014

How I Kissed Teaching Goodbye

So how did I actually leave teaching?   It was all a bit of a whirlwind really and not how I expected it to be.

When I started my adoption leave, I passionately asked God to take me out of teaching.  I just couldn't see how I would juggle motherhood and my teaching career and do both well!

I packed up my belongings from my workplace with the hope that I would not return but the expectation that my return would be inevitable.  As the year progressed, I continued to look out for a sign from God that I would not be going back but it didn't happen.  So, as my adoption leave came to an end, I arranged a meeting with my headteacher to request a return on 3 days a week.  I wasn't sure how the school would respond but just knew that I could not return full-time.

A few days before my planned meeting, I sat down with DH and to discuss the various options I could consider regarding my return to work.  During this conversation, he made the passing comment, "But you're leaving at Christmas anyway".  I looked at DH rather confused -  DH has the wonderful ability to have a conversation with me and come to conclusions that I have no recollection of us coming to!  In his mind, I was leaving at Christmas but I had no such plans - just merely dreams!

I went to the meeting and found the whole experience rather intense.  Perhaps it was the result of spending nine months at home with Babygirl moving at our own pace, and singing nursery rhymes, but I left the meeting overwhelmingly aware that returning to work as a teacher with Babygirl was going to be a bigger challenge than I anticipated!  I remember sitting in my car after the meeting and realising that my only choice would be to quit my job!

I went home to discuss with DH and realised two things:
1.  If I wanted to hand in my notice to leave teaching, I would have to do so within the next seven days
2.  I was scared!!!!

I would have to hand in my notice without having another job in place!  After a long discussion with DH, I drafted my resignation and sent it.  It was terrifying and liberating at the same time.  I can only imagine how the school felt - they were still in the process of deliberating about my request for part time work and now they were faced with my resignation.

I must say that the school was very gracious - they accepted my resignation, allowed me to change my return date so I could avoid repaying my adoption pay and gave me a return of 4 days a week to work out my notice.  In addition to this, they did not give me any classes to teach during that time - this was primarily to avoid disruption for the classes but meant that I had 13 weeks to tackle all of the admin work required for a head of department role without the expectation of having a teaching timetable.  I ran support sessions for the sixth formers but in essence got to write my own timetable.  Wow!  It was so obviously God in action!

So God had come through on that front but there was still the little issue of getting a new job!  I remember hosting a ladies' brunch during this time and teaching them about when Peter walked on water.  We talked about his boldness to get out of the boat, the amazing experience he had as a result of him trusting Jesus and then the fear he experienced when he lost his focus.  It was comical to me because at that very point, the ladies were not aware of my situation and I felt like I was Peter, floundering in the water and desparately trying not to drown!

But God is truly a gracious God!  I got a job 17 days after I resigned - how amazing is that?!  When I look through my journal, I see that it was 17 days of hanging on for dear life to God and there were plenty of sleepless nights, but I thank God that He never gives us more than we can bear!

In my next post, I'll tell you a little more about my job.  I wanted to take some time to settle into the role but I will let you know how it's going!

I'm also hoping to share with you a series of posts of my "January Delights" so look out for those too!  Subscribe so you know when my new posts are out and feel free to comment!

Until next time,

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