Friday 20 January 2017

Big Shoes to Fill

I love this picture.  It makes me smile for 2 reasons - firstly because it reminds me of Babygirl.

Babygirl has always loved shoes and this appears to be a trend that will continue for the rest of her life.  She has an eye for high quality shoes and thinks nothing of stopping a complete stranger to tell them how marvellous their shoes are.  The picture reminds me of the many times I have watched Babygirl try on my shoes and attempt to strut around my bedroom.  When I arrive home and find my shoes in a dishevelled heap, I know that Babygirl has been entering herself with a private fashion show in front of my mirror with my shoes being the key highlight of the whole event.

The second reason it makes me smile is because it reflects how I am currently feeling about 2017.  As I mentioned in my first post for this year, 2017 is looking like it is going to be a big year for me.  Whilst, I know what is ahead, I think the reality of it all has only hit me over the past week.  I've been battling butterflies for the whole week and to be honest, I can't remember the last time I had butterflies!

Actually I can - I just took a look back through my blog posts and I believe that the last time I documented butterflies was 2011 (how sad am I?!).  But my main point is that I am juggling a challenging combination of emotions - primarily excitement and hope with a huge dose of sheer terror.  I can't disclose the details of the project I am referring to yet but I will as things become more concrete (annoying I know!).  Anyway, back to the picture!

It sums up how I am feeling - I feel like I have big shoes to fill.  This year is a year that I am being challenged to grow up and step out into the next new phase of my life.  This is a phase that I have thought about and dreamt about for years and part of me can't believe that it's here.  I am also struggling to digest just how big a step it is and as I pray about it and try to tune in to what God is saying, I find myself quaking at the thought of what He is asking me to do.

I know that I'm not the first person to be thrown by what God is asking them to do and I know I won't be the last, but I am doing my best to respond appropriately.  In my mind, my response is somewhere on the spectrum between Moses and Mary, mother of Jesus.  These two characters show the realities of how we can respond to God's requests.  At one end, we have Mary who whilst initially afraid at the sight of the angel was quick to respond with the gallant statement, "Let it be to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38).  At the other end, we have Moses who enters into a lengthy discussion with God about the pros and cons (ok - primarily the cons!) of sending him to face Pharoah (see Exodus 3 & 4 - yes, 2 chapters - it was a long "discussion"!).  Whilst my heart seeks to be like Mary, in reality, I am probably positioned a bit closer to the "Moses" end of the spectrum, but I find comfort in that regardless of the different initial responses from these 2 characters, they both went on to obey God.

And this takes me back to my over-sized high heeled shoes.  I know that I'm going to do what He is asking me to do, but I can't help wondering how shaky and tentative my first steps will be.  What I do know is that if I focus on following His directions and remain determined to be obedient to His call - it is only a matter of time before I'll being strutting and striding down my own catwalk!  Although between you and I, I think I'll always feel like the shoes are still just a little too big!

Until next time,
Cece xx

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