Monday 5 August 2013

Mid Year Review

OK, so I know that we are way past the middle of the year but I have been rather reflective over the last few weeks and got thinking about how 2013 has been so far.

Here is my "Mid Year Review" at the start of August! (strange I know!)

I usually work through my review by looking at key areas of my life:
  • Spiritual life - personal walk with God
  • Home life - marriage and family relationships
  • Work life - career development
  • Church life - ministry and roles in church
  • Finances
  • Health
I'm not sure if it really works for me and do try to change it around sometimes!   

How do you review and set goals for your life?  Let me know in the comments below!

Anyway, in this review, I'm going to put down my top 3 lessons that I have learnt so far this year.

1. I love being a mum!   One of my key goals for this has been settling into my new role as a mum and it has been amazing!  I have loved every single minute of it - even the ones where I have been tired and wanted to crawl into my bed to sleep for a week! I mentioned in one of my earlier posts this year that it feels like I have found "home" and I really do mean that!

2.  I'm discovering my true passions!  This is another huge one for me!  This time at home has helped me to spend time talking to God about some of the big questions I have in my life such as " What am I actually meant to be doing with my life?!"  The space to think has been amazing and life changing, and I've discovered that part of what has been missing in my life has been my true passions!  This year has been about discovering what they are and seeing how they can be incorporated into my life more!

3.  I have endometriosis!  Ok - I can almost hear some of you  shouting "We know this already!", especially those of you who read my post a few weeks ago.   Yes, I was diagnosed when I was 18, but this year, I have developed a much clearer understanding of how it actually affects my body and my life.  I understand the illness more which means that I am now learning how to look after myself properly.  I also feel more informed about how to pray about it too!

There are so many more lessons that I have learnt and still in the process of  learning but there are too many to share now!  Perhaps in my end of year review.

What are the top 3 things that you have learnt so far this year?  Write them in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe!


  1. This year I've realised that if I wait for perfection or perfect conditions I may never actually do anything! So I'm learning to just start from where I am now.

    1. A great and important lesson to learn! Your comment has helped to remind me that sometimes I just have to go for it!


Thank you so much for taking the time to write a comment! I read every single one and I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me!

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